Mini-Me LOVES the potty!! She SAID she had to go potty. Once we were there, she'd sit on the potty for 5 minutes, then decide she was 'DONE, Mommy. Done.' We would go through the ENTIRE routine:
- wipe
- climb down
- flush
- wave bye bye
- remove potty insert
- put down the lid
- wash hands
- dry hands
- put on a NEW pullup (she wasn't having the reusables)
AND THEN I'D HEAR................
"Mommy. I PEE PEE!"
"Are you sure, Mini-Me?"
So we would do it all over again.
3x minimum - in a row - with NO PEE ever coming out!!
We sang the pee pee song, read books, used a roll of toilet paper.
This routine went down EVERY hour, ALL evening tonight.
I was happy for bedtime - and a DIAPER!
Lord, help me. I'm having second thoughts...